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Family of Faith Registration Open

Epiphany of the Lord Family of Faith begins with a parent or grandparent session this Thursday, September 5 at 6:00 pm at St. Thomas in the Church Hall. Refreshments will be served. We will go over the schedule and how the program will run this year. You are encouraged to pre-register any school aged child Kindergarten through grade 6 for Family of Faith. Each class will begin with a light meal. You may bring a dish to share. At the first class of the month, parents will be prepared to teach their family, while their children receive an overview of the coming month’s lessons with catechists. At the second class, we will have family activities. Click on this link and REGISTER on the form at the bottom of the page.

Youth Group LifeTeen

Kick off date September 15 – Get registered:

Youth in grades 7-12 will meet on Sundays from 5-7 pm at Youth Group which we combine with St. Ignatius. We alternate between St. Ignatius and Epiphany of the Lord. At Epiphany, we meet at the St. Thomas Aquinas campus NEW Youth Room off the Hall. Enter through the Raymer parking lot and the Church Elevator outside door. Our Luau Youth Group Kickoff is September 15 at St. Ignatius. Come from 5:00-7:00 pm for great food, fun, and friends. Wear your favorite Hawaiian, flowered, or bright clothing. 

Please have your parent register you for Youth Group LifeTeen Form at the bottom of this link.

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

Returns September 8th

Children of the Parish in grades Kindergarten-Third are invited to participate in Children’s Liturgy of the Word which is held on Sundays during the 9:30 Mass. During the Mass we dismiss our children in grades Kindergarten-Third, along with their adult catechists, to take part in the Sunday Scripture at their level.

Terminology at the appropriate age level helps the children to understand and appreciate the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. In the past we have noted that children who attend Mass and participate in the Liturgy of the Word for Children have a more complete understanding of their Catholic education, and are more prepared for their celebration of the Sacraments. This is a required preparation for those receiving the Eucharist for the first time.


Monday, September 9th, Please come and join us and discover how the Holy Spirit is working in our parish and your life. 

Pope Benedict and Pope Francis called for a Eucharistic Revival in the Catholic Church. 

Come and join us to discover and deepen your relationship with the Holy Spirit.
THE WILD GOOSE is divided into 14 segment videos; 25 to 35 minutes long. 

Next episode will begin on Monday, September 9th from 6:30 to 8pm.
We will have a short group discussion after the video.
If you have any questions please contact Deacon Leon 419-206-2991 or send him an email. 

Episode 1: God’s Love Poured Out– July 29th
Episode 2: Breath of God– August 19th
Episode 3: Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Fire—September 9th
Episode 4: The Spirit and Our Lady– September 16th
Episode 5: Gifts of the Holy Spirit– September 24th
Episode 6: The Spirit and the Eucharist– September 30th
Episode 7: The Spirit of Adoption- October 7th
Episode 8: The Spirit and the Sacraments– October 14th
Episode 9: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit—October 21st
Episode 10: The Spirit and the Desert– October 28th
Episode 11: The Spirit Convicts– November 4th
Episode 12: The Spirit’s Freedom– November 11th
Episode 13: The Spirit Witness– November 18th
Episode 14: The Spirit Remembers– November 25th or December 2nd

Hungarian Food Fest

Birmingham, Toledo, OH • Sunday, August 18th * 12 – 8 PM

Opening Ceremony 11:30 am at Veterans’ Corner (corner of Consaul & Caledonia)

Enjoy an “Afternoon in the Old Country” complete with authentic Hungarian food, pasteries, chimney cakes, Hungarian dancers, vendors, & music by the Cake Walkin Jazz Band!

VFW Lot: 2161 Consaul and
Calvin Church: 1946 Bakewell

Brought to you by Birmingham’s Own:

VFW Post #4906 • Hungarian Club of Toledo • Calvin United Church

Special Rosary for Our Nation

Thursday, August 22, at 6:30 pm at St Thomas, please join us to pray for God’s protection over our Nation! This is the Feast of the Queenship of Blessed Virgin Mary.

“…if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will heal them from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14

Inspired by Our Lady, the Patriotic Rosary is a powerful prayer fore divine protection and mercy for our Nation and our government leaders at all levels. Each decade of the Rosary starts with a historical quote from famous leaders who helped develop our form of government. Each Hail Mary of the Rosary is dedicated to every state of the United States of America.

We would like to pray a Patriotic Rosary to ask Mary’s intercession to brign our country back to God and ask for God’s blessing. It should last about an hour.

Please invite your family and friends to join us especially the children. Mary’s heart is most touhed by their presence.

Our Lady, Queen of Heaven and Earth, Pray for us.

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here