Meal Train Thursdays– Now Scheduling!

First Thursdays- Fr. Eric will come dine with you in your home. Don’t like to cook? You may opt to take him to a restaurant if you prefer. Groups/families may also come together to host Fr. Eric for a meal. The goal is to have Fr. Eric join your family/group so he can get to know his parishioners better!
Remaining Thursdays- prepare a home cooked meal and drop off at the rectory between 5-5:30 pm
Grub Hub or other dining gift cards- Please use this option for other days of the week if you’d like to gift them to Fr. Eric. He always appreciates these but enjoys the contact with parishioners on Thursdays!
To sign up for the Meal Train, go to The site lists all the specifics (also found below. If you have any questions or difficulties signing up using the site, please call Diane at 419-944-5934.
Favorite Meals or Restaurants- Meat and potatoes, Hungarian, Italian, Chinese, Mexican, Seafood, Pizza
No allergies; Doesn’t care for: onions, eggplant, overly spicy foods, coconut, watermelon, artichokes, cherries
1st Thursday of the month – Fr. Eric will go to your house for dinner*
2nd, 3rd, 4th, (5th) Thursday of the month – meals will be dropped off at the Rectory**
*Contact Fr. Eric of the Parish Office to let him know details of the dinner (time, address, etc.)
**Drop off meals at the rectory. Please have ready to eat or if needed, list reheating directions. Please try to use disposable containers so Fr. Eric doesn’t have to try to figure out who containers belong to.