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Growing Pains: The Demands of Our Lenten Journey
Meal and Retreat – 3 days:
Sunday, March 23
Monday, March 24
Tuesday, March 25
LIGHT MEAL: 5:45-6:45 PM
Served in Basement Hall
Epiphany of the Lord Parish
St. Thomas Aquinas Campus
729 White StreetToledo, Ohio 43605
MISSION: 7:00-8:30 PM
Childcare: Available through 1st Grade
2nd Grade onward are encouraged to attend the Mission
“Growing Pains: The Demands of Our Lenten Journey” is a Lenten Mission unlike any other.
Beginning each evening with an original, one-woman musical, written and composed by Luminous Ministries, participants witness the events of Christ’s Passion through the eyes of Claudia Procula, the wife of Pontius Pilate, Mary Magdalene, friend and follower of Jesus, and the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of Our Lord. These perspectives on the Passion, demand that those in attendance confront three main questions:
What do the truths of God demand of me?
What courageous acts does God demand of me?
What does the love of God demand of me?
Come, confront these questions, and be completely transformed by the cross of Jesus Christ. Truth, courage, and love always involve the cross…but after the cross, there is resurrection.
Presented by Carol Kurivial and Kristen (Kurivial) Hug of Luminous Ministries,
a mother-daughter team who creatively illuminate Christ through Catholicism
Soup Supper – Friday Mass change
Please join us for Mass, Stations of the Cross, Food & Fellowship on Fridays During Lent
Starting on Friday, March 14th we will start having Mass at 5pm during lent at our St. Stephen Church campus. (There will be no morning Mass on these Fridays during lent.)
Stations of the Cross will begin right after Mass and on three dates we will have food and fellowship immediately following the stations in the Church basement.
(Free Will Donations)
March 14th – We will be serving 3 choices of Soup, and/or a Salad
March 28th – Baked Potato Bar with 1 choice of Soup, and/or a Salad
April 11th – Grilled Cheese and 2 choices of Soup, and/or a Salad
Weds. Eucharist Exposition & Adoration Time Change
Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration
We have a change that will begin on Wednesday, January 29th for Adoration. The new time will be from 3 -4:50pm. Mass will begin at 5pm at our St. Thomas Aquinas Church campus.
Please remember every First Friday following the 8:30 am Mass we will have Adoration for 1 hour at our St. Stephen Church campus. We can bring our needs and concerns before our precious Lord.
Pray, meditate with scripture, or just sit quietly and “be” in the presence of our Almighty God. This is a precious opportunity for rich blessing for ourselves, our loved ones, and our parish community. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7
Rosary & Eucharistic Adoration: Our Lady of Lourdes
Adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and a rosary honoring Our Blessed Mother as Our Lady of Lourdes will be held on Sunday, February 9th at 2 p.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.
The actual feast day is February 11th. Come & bring your family and friends, young, old, and those in-between for a time of prayer and solitude.
The service will last approximately 1 hour so there will be plenty of time before the BIG game begins.
This is a great opportunity to pray for the sick, our country and any other intention that you may have.
Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!
Epiphany of the Lord Feast Day Celebration
The celebration of our parish feast day will be next weekend and we will only have one Mass at our St. Stephen Campus. Following the 10 am Mass on January 5, there will be a reception in the Church Hall. We are asking for the following food items in order to make this a success. Please have the newly fresh items ready to be served when you drop them off thanks.
If your last name begins with the letter :
A-H- salads, veggie tray, etc.
I-Q– ex: meatballs, small sandwiches, etc.
R-Z- dessert or appetizer
ADVENT: Lessons and Carols
Please join us as we prepare our hearts for the celebra-tion of our Savior’s birth!
at our St. Stephen Church campus.