Youth Programs

Youth in grades 7-12 will meet on Sundays from 5-7 pm at Youth Group which we combine with St. Ignatius. We alternate between St. Ignatius and Epiphany of the Lord. At Epiphany, we meet at the St. Thomas Aquinas campus NEW Youth Room off the Hall. Enter through the Raymer parking lot and the Church Elevator outside door. Our Luau Youth Group Kickoff is September 15 at St. Ignatius. Come from 5:00-7:00 pm for great food, fun, and friends. Wear your favorite Hawaiian, flowered, or bright clothing. 

Please have your parent register you for Youth Group LifeTeen below:

Youth Group LifeTeen Form 2024

"*" indicates required fields

Parent 1 Name*
Parent 2 Name
Address for Parent 2 (if different from Parent 1)
Emergency Contact Name (other than parent)*
Child 1 Name*
Child 1 Birthdate*
Which sacraments has Child 1 received (check all that apply)?*
Child 2 Name
Child 2 Birthdate
Which sacraments has Child 2 received (check all that apply)?
Child 3 Name
Child 3 Birthdate
Which sacraments has Child 3 received (check all that apply)?
Child 4 Name
Child 4 Birthdate
Which sacraments has Child 4 received (check all that apply)?
Child 5 Name
Child 5 Birthdate
Which sacraments has Child 5 received (check all that apply)?
Child 6 Name
Child 6 Birthdate
Which sacraments has Child 6 received (check all that apply)?
Clear Signature

Please ensure that all required fields (marked with a star) are filled out. If you hit submit and were not redirected to a new page, please scroll to the top of the form to see which areas you may have missed.

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here