Soup Supper – Friday Mass change

Please join us for Mass, Stations of the Cross, Food & Fellowship on Fridays During Lent 

Starting on Friday, March 14th we will start having Mass at 5pm during lent at our St. Stephen Church campus. (There will be no morning Mass on these Fridays during lent.)

Stations of the Cross will begin right after Mass and on three dates we will have food and fellowship immediately following the stations in the Church basement. 

(Free Will Donations) 

March 14th – We will be serving 3 choices of Soup, and/or a Salad 

March 28thBaked Potato Bar with 1 choice of Soup, and/or a Salad 

April 11thGrilled Cheese and 2 choices of Soup, and/or a Salad 

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here