Nutroll Pre-Order & Sale
St. Stephen Altar Rosary Annual Nutroll Sale is Sat., December 2nd
We will only be making nut rolls, sorry no poppyseed this year.
We are making ½ a roll, which still is a good size Price $10.00
Pick up will be Saturday, December 2 between 12:00-1:30pm,
or after the 8:30 Mass on December 3, in the school cafeteria.
TO ORDER– call Kathy Singlar 419-262-4216 or see her after the 8:30am,
or the church office 419-698-1519,
Deadline for ordering is Wednesday, November 22
BAKERS–we need at least 15 folks to come down
to the St. Stephen School basement on Saturday, December 2, at 8:30am, to start rolling.
We will also need people later to help with the clean up.
Please come down and help! It’s not hard–if Kathy can do it, anyone can.