John Rutter’s Requiem

Join us for an afternoon of sacred music as
Epiphany of the Lord Choir
and Friends
John Rutter’s Requiem
Sunday, Oct 29 at 4 pm
Epiphany of the Lord at Sacred Heart

We are preparing a concert program for the Requiem. In order to help cover the costs for this wonderful event, we are offering memorials in honor of our deceased loved one’s, to be included in the program. Each memorial will be $20, and your loved ones name will be printed in the programs. If you are interested, you could fill out their name (in Loving Memory) and put a check in the collection basket and make it out to Epiphany of the Lord. You could also drop them off at the Parish office in person, or send a check in the mail to 729 White Street Toledo, OH 43605. 

Thank you for all of the ways you support Epiphany of the Lord Parish and God Bless! 

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here