Advent and Christmas Special Events
SS: EOL at St. Stephen (1880 Genesee St.)
SH: EOL at Sacred Heart (509 Oswald St.)
STA: EOL at St. Thomas Aquinas (729 White St.)
Handel’s Messiah:
Sunday, December 19, 4 pm at SS
Featuring Epiphany of the Lord Choir, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Deanery, Guest Soloist & Friends
Parish Feast Reception:
Sunday, January 2 following the 10 am at STA
All in the parish are encouraged to attend!
Special Mass Times
Christmas Eve and Day Masses – Holy Day of Obligation
Dec. 24, 4 pm at STA, 6 pm at SH, 11 pm at SS;
Dec. 25, 9 am at STA
Weekend of Dec. 25/26 Mass Times
Sat. Dec. 25, NO 4 PM MASS;
Sun. Dec. 26th, regular Mass schedule
Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God:
Saturday, December 31, 5 pm Mass at SS
Not a Holy Day of Obligation this year but we still hope all will join us to celebrate our Blessed Mother.
Parish Feast Day Weekend- special Mass times
Saturday, Jan. 1, 4 pm at STA and
Sunday, Jan. 2, 10 am at STA
Link to PRINT Advent and Christmas Special Events