Eucharist Exposition & Adoration Resumes

Eucharistic Exposition/Adoration will be offered again, now on
Wednesday afternoons from 3pm until Mass at 6pm at our St. Thomas campus,
starting Wednesday, September 1st.

This special opportunity to be with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament will be offered in the main body of the church. Please enter through the ramp door or elevator door. “Could you not spend one hour with me?”, Jesus asked the apostles in the garden of Gethsemane. Jesus remains with us always and invites us to simply be in His presence, allowing Him to grant us His peace, love, and life as we bask in the rays of His presence, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity. If at all able please consider spending an hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament each week or at least some time with Him on Wednesdays. – Father Eric

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here