Lent & Easter Special Events
SS: St. Stephen Campus (1880 Genesee St.) ~ SH: Sacred Heart Campus (509 Oswald St.) ~ STA: St. Thomas Aquinas Campus (729 White St.)
Small Group Formation for Adults In person and virtual opportunities available (see flyer for more details)
Stations of the Cross
Fridays during Lent, 6 pm at SS
Novena to the Irish Madonna
March 9 – 17 at 6:00 pm ** at SS
Join us in praying a special parish devotion.
**The Novena will begin immediately following Mass on both Wednesday March 10 and Wednesday March 17.
It will begin immediately following Stations of the Cross on Friday, March 12.
What is the history of this novena and why is it important at our parish? During the rule of Henry VIII, Catholics in Ireland were persecuted and fled to Hungary. Pilgrims were led by Bishop Lynch who was later named Auxiliary Bishop of Gyor, Hungary. He intended to return to Ireland but was never able to do so. He died in 1663 in Hungary and in the Cathedral at Gyor, an image of the Blessed Mother was hung in his honor and remains there today.
In 1697, Catholics in Hungary were under persecution. On March 17, the image of the Blessed Mother wept a bloody sweat which continued for three hours. This miracle was verified by Catholics and Protestants who witnessed the event.
In 1914, Archbishop Schrembs of Toledo, visited Gyor in Hungary. Moved by the story, he requested a copy be made of the original painting hung in Bishop Lynch’s honor. The copy was made and laid face-to-face against the original painting for thirty days before coming “home” to St. Stephen Church, Toledo, Ohio. The novena to the Irish Madonna has remained an important tradition in our parish since coming together as Epiphany of the Lord.
Please join parishioners for this beautiful novena. Come every night or come when able.
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Fridays, 8-8:20 am (prior to 8:30 am Mass at SS)
Wednesdays, 5-5:45 pm (prior to 6 pm Mass at SS)
Saturdays, 3-3:45 pm (prior to 4 pm Mass at SH)
Sunday, March 21, 1:30 – 3:30 pm at STA
Spiritually prepare yourself for Easter by adoring our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament and receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord- March 28
Normal Sunday Mass schedule. Palms will be laid out for the faithful to pick up.
Mary’s Way of the Cross
Palm Sunday- March 28- SS
4:00 pm
A musical walk through the Passion seen through the eyes of the Blessed Mother
Tuesday- March 30
The Chrism Mass will not be open to the faithful to attend. The Chrism Mass may be viewed at 11 am at facebook.com/diocesetoledo
Wednesday- March 31
The annual Tenebrae service at the Rosary Cathedral is canceled.
Holy Thursday – April 1 – SH
7:00 pm Mass- There will be no washing of the feet. Adoration until 9:15pm
Good Friday – April 2 – STA
2:00 pm Stations of the Cross
3:00 pm Service- There will be a chance for the faithful to adore the cross as a community. There will be no individual veneration.
Holy Saturday – April 3 – SS
11:00 am Morning Prayer and Food Blessing
8:30 pm Easter Vigil Mass- There will be no Easter fire or individual candles.
What is the food blessing? For those of Eastern European heritage, it is customary to spend Good Friday in prayer and fasting while preparing the foods to be consumed after the Easter Vigil. Foods might include nut roll, pascha (a sweet, egg bread), cirak (cheese), kielbasa, other pastries, and dyed eggs. Foods are brought to church on Holy Saturday to be blessed. There will be more details about this ritual in future weeks. We would love to include your family’s special recipes for Easter!!
Please submit Easter recipes to Kathy Fech at kfech@epipihanyofthelord.org or by dropping off a copy at the parish office. Include the name (even if deceased) of who the recipe belongs to, who is submitting it, and your ethnic origins (Hungarian, Polish, Slovak, etc.) Your recipe will be published on the parish’s Facebook page and many will also be put in the bulletin during the weeks of Lent.
Easter Sunday – April 4
Normal Sunday Mass schedule
Divine Mercy Sunday
Sunday, April 11, 2:00 to 3:30 pm at STA
Come for Adoration and to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet.