
Dear Epiphany Family, 
Happy (Liturgical/Church) New Year! During this challenging time we have all been waiting for something new. A new Church year is always considered a Year of Grace. Every year, every day, every moment is an opportunity to experience God’s favor, life, love and presence. We wait for the coming of Jesus in a special way during this Advent season so he may come more fully into our lives, not only at Christmas but every day. Please join your parish family for these special opportunities of prayer and worship as often as you can so we can all better welcome Jesus into lives, parish, community and world. He is Emmanuel, “God is with us”, who brings us light and hope in the darkness, and breaks into the messiness of our world and lives, never leaving us. We look forward to seeing you as we encounter Him together. 

In Christ, Father Eric

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Advent and Christmas Special Masses & Services 
Advent Calendar

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