Diocesan Annual Catholic Appeal
This week is the commitment weekend for the Diocese Annual Catholic Appeal.
The theme this year is “Rooted in Faith, Moving Forward with Hope.”
This theme applies equally to us at the parish level and to our wider church family at the Diocesan level. At Epiphany of the Lord, we are always conscious of the sacrifices of those who came before us and founded the faith communities of the East Side. It is now our turn to build on that foundation. If you have not already, you will soon receive your letter in the mail. The ACA helps provide for all of our parishes in so many ways: formation for our seminarians preparing for the priesthood, and through Catholic Charities it provides outreach to the disabled, imprisoned, the homeless, the poor and marginalized. I ask you to please look over the information you receive, pray over it, and discern how you can help. If you have misplaced your envelope or did not receive one, there are envelopes in the pews.
Rooted in Faith, Moving Forward with Hope only comes alive through your generous gifts to the Annual Catholic Appeal, fostering Holy Disciples, Holy Families, and Holy Vocations in the Diocese of Toledo.
Thank you for supporting the Annual Catholic Appeal!