Live Stream Sunday Masses at Epiphany of the Lord
My Dear Friends in Christ,
As many of you now know, the Catholic Bishops of Ohio have extended the temporary suspension of all publicly celebrated Masses and liturgies ending on May 29, with the hope of publicly celebrating together the Solemnity of Pentecost on the weekend of May 30/31. Like many of you, Father Melwin and I were saddened by this news. We were truly hoping to celebrate Mass with all of you beginning this May. While we cannot celebrate Mass publicly with all of you, we have decided to offer Sunday Masses on Facebook via live streaming. This way, we may all feel connected to our three beautiful church campuses of our Epiphany of the Lord Parish. Please see our upcoming Mass schedule below:
The Fourth Sunday of Easter – Sunday, May 3
9 AM Mass at St Stephen
The Fifth Sunday of Easter – Sunday, May 10
9 AM Mass at Sacred Heart
The Sixth Sunday of Easter – Sunday, May 17
9 AM Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas
The Ascension of the Lord – Sunday, May 24
9 AM Mass at St. Stephen
In our Gospel today Jesus says, “I have come that they may have life and have it abundantly.” People seek happiness in many different ways. We find it at times but never feel quite complete. The fact is, true happiness can be found only in our union with Jesus. Jesus is the perfect shepherd. What we need to do is hear His voice and follow. Staying home, changes of plans, and other lifestyle changes don’t prevent us from happiness and life in Christ. Are we still seeking this “gateway” during this time of quarantine? Ask yourself, “Whose voice am I following?”
In Christ,
Father Gilbert Mascarenhas, SAC Pastor – Epiphany of the Lord Parish
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HOW DO I JOIN the Masses?
- On Facebook, go to our parish Facebook page: Epiphany of the Lord Parish, Toledo Click below for direct link: https://www.facebook.com/EpiphanyoftheLordParish.org/
- On each Sunday, a LIVE video will appear at 9 am, just click on the Live video and you will be connected
- Adjust your sound volume as needed