Parish Guidelines & Events

Here are the full parish guidelines for the weeks ahead. They will be published in next week’s bulletin as well. Thank you for your understanding and consideration during these trying times. 

Download document or read below:

March 13, 2020 

In light of the current pandemic surrounding Covid-19, Bishop Daniel Thomas has issued guidelines that are in line with Governor Mike DeWine’s order of 3/12/20. Epiphany of the Lord staff has reviewed the state and diocesan guidelines. As a result, the following changes will be effective immediately: 

  • All Masses (daily and weekend) will proceed on schedule. However, please note that Bishop Thomas has dispensed all Catholics from obligatory Mass attendance the weekends of March 14-15, 21-22, and 28-29. Bishop Thomas has also strongly urged all of the faithful to stay home from Masses during the weekends just listed regardless of age or health status. 
  • We ask that if you choose to attend Mass, you ensure you are in good health and symptom free from anything which may be contagious. If you cannot attend Mass, you are encouraged to watch/listen to Mass via Catholic media and make an Act of Spiritual Communion (more info on reverse of this page). 
  • Stations of the Cross, the Novena to the Irish Madonna, Afternoon of Grace, and Reconciliation will still proceed as scheduled. 
  • Religious Education classes and RCIA classes are canceled until further notice. Youth choir is canceled until further notice. Family game night, Knights of Columbus, Altar and Rosary, prayer shawl ministry are canceled until further notice. There will be no parish fish frys for the remainder of Lent. Tetelestai is canceled. The Confirmation Retreat is canceled. 
  • We are asking all other parish groups and organizations not listed above to review their upcoming calendar and cancel any meetings or events that are not absolutely necessary during the next three weeks. Group heads should notify the parish office and we will help you communicate that via the Parish Facebook page and future bulletin notifications. 
  • We are organizing our efforts to keep our sanitation measures as effective as possible. Sacred Heart and St. Stephen halls will be closed to parish activities through April. This will not affect the St. Vincent de Paul’s Society’s daily activity. The St. Thomas Hall will remain available for essential and/or urgent needs only. This will help us to minimize the areas needing to be sanitized and to focus primarily on our three worship areas. Church decorating will continue as usual. 
  • Any additional changes will be posted to the Epiphany of the Lord Facebook page, in upcoming parish bulletins (3/22 and later) or you may call the parish office to double check on an event. 

I thank you for your attention to, understanding of, and cooperation with these guidelines. Please pray for all those impacted by the pandemic and for restored health for all those afflicted. It is a blessing to serve as your pastor! 

Rev. Gilbert Mascarenhas, SAC- Pastor, Epiphany of the Lord Parish 

Mass viewing and listening options in our area: 

  • On Buckeye Cablesystem, EWTN is available on Ch. 179, and Freeform is available on Ch. 35. 
  • On AT&T U-verse, EWTN is available on Ch. 562 (which is available as part of the U-family, U200, U300 and U450 packages). Freeform is available on Ch. 178 (which is part of the U200, U300 and U450 packages). 
  • On DirecTV, EWTN is available on Ch. 370 and Freeform is available on Ch. 311 (both channels are available in every package from the satellite TV provider). 
  • On Dish Network, EWTN is available on Ch. 261 and Freeform is available on Ch. 180 (both channels available in every package from the satellite TV provider). 
  • The radio broadcast of the Sunday Mass is aired at noon on WNOC 89.7 FM Annunciation Radio. 

When praying the Mass at home, it is recommended that one make an Act of Spiritual Communion. These prayers can be found online and in many Catholic prayer books. Here is one version: 

My Jesus, I believe that You are present in the Most Holy Sacrament. I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. 

RCIA, Confirmation Preparation, First Reconciliation/First Communion Preparation, and Religious Education Classes 

➢ Kathy Fech is working on digital and/or long distance options to support parishioners in their faith learning for the weeks ahead. Catechists and parents can reach out to her with questions or concerns (419-698-1519 ext. 202 or Please stay tuned for more information via email as she gets this prepared for RCIA, Confirmands, First Communicants, and RE students. 

➢ Some RCIA Rites may take place privately or in smaller settings as opposed to at parish Masses. The RCIA Core Team will reach out and inform elect, candidates, and sponsors of these changes. 

➢ Confirmation Retreat (March 28) will be canceled. Activities will be offered in some sort of digital format or reflection materials will be mailed to the home. Stay tuned. 

➢ RCIA (April 4) and First Communion (April 28) are remaining on the schedule. This will be reevaluated in the weeks ahead as we get new information on guidelines and safety precautions. 

➢ Confirmation remains scheduled for April 18. The Office of the Bishop will advise us if this will change. 

➢ First Communion remains scheduled for May 3. Fr. Gilbert and Kathy Fech will advise families if this changes. 

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here