Liturgical Celebrations and Public Health Concerns
Considering the current health concerns regarding coronavirus, influenza, and other illnesses, the Diocese of Toledo has recommended that Epiphany of the Lord Parish implement the following liturgical changes effective Saturday, March 7, 2020:
- If you are seriously ill, please do not attend Mass. You may view or listen to a broadcast of Mass and make an act of spiritual communion. When in doubt, please remain indoors out of charity for your neighbor.
- All extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion should wash their hands with soap and water prior to Mass. Furthermore, hand sanitizer should be discreetly used before and after distributing Holy Communion.
- Until further notice, we will be suspending the distribution of the Precious Blood at all Masses. We will only have three stations for the distribution of the Sacred Host at each campus.
- During this time, the faithful will not be invited to exchange the sign of peace at Mass. The Lamb of God will begin immediately after the words, “The peace of the Lord be with you always” and the response, “And with your spirit.”
- Please do not hold hands during the Lord’s Prayer.
- All greeters and ushers should refrain from shaking hands before or during Mass. They may assist the congregation during Holy Communion without physical contact.
- All holy water fonts will be kept empty during this time.
During this Lenten season, may we continue to pray for all those who are sick and suffering. May Christ hold His healing hand over them and guide them through their illness. We also keep in mind all those recuperating from sickness. May their faith in Jesus keep them strong.
Almighty and merciful God, who show Your love to all creation everywhere, hear graciously the prayers we make for all those affected by the coronavirus in various parts of the world. We come before You asking for quick control of the outbreak, for the healing of those affected, for the victims and their families. We pray for the doctors doing research that an effective vaccine to combat the sickness is speedily found. We pray for the government and health authorities that they take appropriate steps for the good of the people. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.