Bakers & Volunteers Needed for Feather Party
Fall means Feather Party BAKING!! We will need lots of help baking the little Hungarian cakes on SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 9th beginning at 8:30am.in the St. Stephen School basement. We will also need clean up help starting around 10:30am. Hope to see you all there.
Also baked goods, preferably Hungarian pastries, are needed for the Feather Party BAKE BOOTH. Please drop them off in the St. Stephen school basement on Saturday, November 16 or Sunday, November 17.
FEATHER PARTY DINNER HELP: see volunteer sheet below
Friday, November 15 from 8:30-noon – Prep
Saturday, November 16 from 7 am – noon and at 6:30 – Prep
Sunday, November 17 various needs 8 am – 3:30
Sunday BAKE BOOTH help includes: Setting out the Hungarian cakes after the 8:00am Mass. Need about 3 people, plus one more person to help sell at the bake booth, starting around noon.
Return the volunteer sheet by THURSDAY, NOV. 7 via collection basket, mail or parish office phone 419-698-1519. Click on VOLUNTEER sign up sheet.
If you cannot help, come on down and enjoy some delicious Hungarian food, setting at 1 pm. Reserve tickets NOW.