Bakers Needed – Hungarian Treats!

Saturday, August 3 starting at 8:30am.

It is that time of year–Birmingham Festival time! LOTS OF HELP IS NEEDED baking on SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 starting at 8:30am. in the St. Stephen School basement.

LEARN TO MAKE THESE YUMMY TREATS – nutrolls and the little cakes. We do need a few folks to come down around 11:00 to help with clean up. COME JOIN THE FUN!

Many hands make the work go easier and faster, so please come down to assist us in this fine tradition. You can earn service hours!

Then for the festival Sunday, August 18—help is needed inside 11:30-2:30 and outside 11:30-2:30; 2:30-until sold out. Call the Parish office 419-698-1519 or let Kathy Singlar know when you can help!!

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here