Important News!!

Parish Staffing Changes – Effective July 1, 2019 

Dear Parishioners, 

Over the past six years, our unique parish of Epiphany of the Lord has been presented with the task of transitioning from three, separately operating parishes into one, united community. Together we began our transition from many of our formerly independent modes of operation to a place of mutual and beneficial interest as one parish. 

Over the past year as your pastor, I have observed and assessed the operations and needs of Epiphany of the Lord Parish. I have listened to your insights and have discerned what has been beneficial to our parish and what has not. I have examined our parish finances and potential options for our financial stabilization. As we continue to move forward in becoming a more effective, efficient, and evangelizing parish, I would like to share with you some of the changes that are being made within our parish staff effective July 1, 2019. 

It is with great joy and affection that I ask you to join me in congratulating Carol Basinger on her retirement from Epiphany of the Lord Parish. Carol has been a dedicated staff member of St. Thomas Aquinas and Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Parishes for 31 years. When Carol retired from her full-time position at the parish, she graciously agreed to stay on part-time until a new office manager could be found. God bless her for the additional 2+ years she remained with us. We remain thankful for her generous assistance, especially during these final days of transition, and look forward to continuing to see her around the parish in her numerous volunteer capacities. It is with heartfelt gratitude that I wish to extend my appreciation to Carol for her dedication and hard work and wish her great blessings as she begins this new chapter in her life. It is well deserved! 

It is also with great joy that I welcome Anita Hofbauer to the position of full-time Office Manager. Anita has been managing our parish facilities and maintenance operations on a part-time basis. She will continue to manage and oversee our facility needs and requirements with the help of our newly assigned Pastoral Assistant, Greg Matuszynski, while transitioning into her position as Office Manager. Greg will assist in a part-time capacity to help in overseeing some of our facility and maintenance needs along with other various duties during this time of transition. This will provide Anita with needed assistance while she continues to address our pending maintenance projects and ongoing efforts to lease our three rental properties. 

I would also like to extend a special note of gratitude to Ariana Espinosa who has graciously served our parish as office receptionist several afternoons/week over the past few years. Ariana will continue volunteering and serving the parish in other capacities. 

I ask you to please hold our parish staff in prayer especially during this time of transition. And please know that we will also be holding you in our prayers. 


Rev. Gilbert Mascarenhas, SAC

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