Parish Celebration
Please join us as we honor
Frs. Tony Vera & Melwin D Souza
Sunday, June 30, 2019
10:30 am Mass* at St. Thomas Aquinas campus
Reception to follow
Please call the parish office (419-698-1519) to see how you can help with the reception.
We wish you well, Fr. Tony, and thank you for your years of service at Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Parish. Our prayers go with you on your new assignment as Associate Pastor of St. John the Evangelist – Delphos. Thank you for all you have done for us. You will be missed!
We welcome you, Fr. Melwin D Souza, as you begin your formal assignment as Associate Pastor at Epiphany of the Lord. Our prayers accompany you as you begin your ministry with us. Welcome to the United States and to our parish! We look forward to getting to know you!
NOTE: * Saturday: 4 pm Mass takes place as usual.
Sunday: there are no Masses at Sacred Heart or St. Stephen.