2nd Saturday Game Night
5:00 PM: June 8 ~ July 13 ~ Aug. 10 ~ Sept. 14, 2019
Enjoy time with family, friends, and other Epiphany of the Lord parishioners! All ages are welcome!
Games, activities, and socializing for everyone!
Bring your favorite food to share!
The summer menu is salads, appetizers, snacks, and desserts!
Game Night follows the Saturday 4 pm Mass
@ St. Thomas Aquinas Campus in Church air-conditioned basement hall.
(Our location rotates with the Saturday Mass schedule.)
Invite your friends. Connect on Facebook to our Game Night event:
and select that you are GOING, and under the SHARE menu, click the INVITE FRIENDS button & select friends that would enjoy this. Or SHARE our event as a POST on to your page – spread the word!