Our St. Anthony Society of Epiphany of the Lord Parish is our 55+ group who meet for various activities, luncheons, day trips, and retreat experiences in the Spring and Summer months. All of our activities are rooted first and foremost in prayer and spiritual growth, and along with these important elements, some fellowship and a great deal of fun!
Membership is free — just bring yourself and fun and joyful spirit to our next event! Other deanery parishes and area churches are also welcome to take part in our wonderful activities.
We are putting these tentative THURSDAY dates out early so you can plan to join us.
With the exception of our first one.
Wednesday, May 7– Mass and Potluck-10:30 am at St. Thomas
June 12-12:00 pm Mass at St Francis Chapel down-town, with lunch and tour of the main library (carpool)
July 10-Trip to Grand Rapids, Ohio for a canal trip and visit shops in Grand Rapids (bus trip)
Please see the flyer for more information.
August 7-Kelly’s Island (carpool)
September 18-Lourdes College Planetarium and lunch (carpool)
October 23-Train trip in Northeast Ohio–more details to come (bus)
November 13-Healing Mass, Potluck, Guest Speaker (??? TPD) at St. Stephen
If you have any ideas, please write them down, put it in an envelope, and label it for “St. Anthony Society,” and place it in the collection basket or drop it off at the parish office. We welcome all new ideas!!