Family of Faith

A Family of Faith is our parish’s program for religious education for those in grades K-8th not attending Catholic school. 

This program consists of parents attending class by themselves once a month (September – May) to learn about the month’s topic. Families then go home with age-appropriate learning activities based on that topic. Later in the month, the entire family gathers for a whole family session. In those sessions, we grow as a parish community and review the topics we’ve been learning at home. Parents receive full help and support from the parish as they live out their baptismal promise to serve as their child’s first and primary catechist in the faith.

We are now offering Registration for the 2024-2025 school year see the form below.

Here is a link to details about religious education and sacrament preparation, it explains requirements for various age levels: SACRAMENTAL PREP

Family of Faith 2024-2025

Registration for parish religious education instruction 2024-2025 school year. All students in grades K-8th not in Catholic school should be registered for this program.

    When you submit this registration form, you will receive a confirmation email which will also include payment option information.
  • Family of Faith Contract

    We are committed to becoming a Family of Faith. We will attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation at Epiphany of the Lord or elsewhere. We acknowledge that weekly celebration of the Mass is essential to our child/ren’s formation in the faith. Parent(s) will attend monthly parent sessions and will contact the Director of Faith Formation for materials if they must miss. We will work with our child(ren)at home using the provided materials to the best of our ability. Once a month, I/we will accompany our child(ren) to Community Sessions and will make these sessions a priority over other commitments (Scouts, sports, etc.) We will contact the Director if we need additional help/assistance. We know that God designed our family to learn and grow in faith together. We will strive with the guidance and support of our parish family to take on the role God gave us at our child(ren)’s baptism(s).
  • Clear Signature
  • Please ensure that all required fields (marked with a star) are filled out. If you hit submit and were not redirected to a new page, please scroll to the top of the form to see which areas you may have missed.

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here