Blessed & Merry Christmas to you and yours!
If you are visiting or returning home to our parish we are so blessed you are here!
God becomes one of us in the person of Jesus, Christ our Savior is born, and the world is never the same. How unfathomable it would be to someone unfamiliar with Christianity for the Almighty and Eternal God of the universe to become small and take on the humanity of his weak creatures! The Incarnation changes everything. God enters into the brokenness of our world; Jesus redeems and brings meaning to all our sufferings, joys, and everything in between. God comes so close to us to save, show us God’s love, become a model for us, and make us partakers of the divine nature. Emmanuel, God is with us!
While we face challenges in our world, community, and parish, God is with us! He knows our cries, He knows our hearts, and He invites us to entrust ourselves completely to Him. He enters into our messiness and wants to bring His light, healing, mercy, love, and peace. He wants to draw us together as brothers and sisters, as one family, to proclaim the hope that we have in Him. I hope and pray you have recognized His presence in your lives this past year and will open your hearts to welcoming Him each day. Let’s stay close to Him and one another as brothers and sisters in our parish family.
To help honor Sacred Heart, a tribute video was produced from interviews with parishioners, which will be debuted before the 10:30 Mass at Sacred Heart on Sunday, December 31st. Please come early that day, at least by 10:20, so we can begin the beautiful tribute video before Mass begins. It will also be shared more broadly afterwards. I hope and pray this video can play at least a small part in bringing healing to our parish as well as thanking God for all of the blessings and memories He has shared with us through the former Sacred Heart parish, as well as over the last 10+ years as one of our Epiphany church campuses. What God has done through baptisms, Masses, weddings, funerals, other sacraments, fellowship, and more lives on in the hearts and lives of those who have been touched by His grace. Through all of this we are united in the communion of saints with your brothers and sisters still with us today and those who have gone before us. May God grant us unity, healing, hope, and peace in Him.
Please know of my prayers for you and yours.
In Christ,
Father Eric