19th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Dear Parish Family,
The diocese has reminded parishes of its Pastoral Policies regarding Mass Intentions. Some of our current practices are not in compliance with diocesan policies, so the following changes will be implemented effective immediately. Please know that intentions that have already been scheduled will not be affected.
* Mass Intentions will be listed in the bulletin but not included/announced in the Prayers of the Faithful
(General Intercessions/Petitions) at Mass.
* One Sunday Mass is required by Church law to be offered for the people of the parish (pro populo).
* One Mass intention may be scheduled per Mass at other Sunday Masses and Thursday Masses.
* Three Mass intentions may be combined Wednesday and Friday.
* Mass intentions for those who are deceased may take the following forms:
~Bob and Sue Jones (husband and wife)
~Deceased members of the Jones family (not individual names)
~Special Intention
~Holy Souls in Purgatory
Requests will be honored on a first come, first served basis, in the order in which the request is received at the Parish Office. A $10 stipend, as determined by diocesan policy, is to accompany each Mass intention request.
Mass intentions cannot be scheduled for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Christmas, or the weekend nearest All Souls Day.
I know this may be a difficult change and ask for your patience as we begin these changes. We are all always called to bring and offer own personal intentions and unite them the infinite value of the one sacrifice of the Mass. Let us always bring our hearts and intentions and lift them up every Mass.
In Christ,
Father Eric