Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Dear Parish Family,
I am including sharing information from Protect Women Ohio, a coalition of concerned family and life leaders, parents, and medical experts, and faith leaders in Ohio committed to fighting back against the abortion industry’s dangerous proposed amendment. We have already shared some information previously in our bulletin but I wanted to draw your attention to this crucial information.
The prime principle of all of Catholic Social Teaching is the dignity of the human person. In Genesis 1:27 we learn that every person, without exception, is made in the image and likeness of God. As Catholics, it is our sacred duty to defend human life from the moment of conception until natural death. This is why, this November, it is critical that we as a Church help defeat the most extreme and dangerous abortion initiative the state has ever seen.
Planned Parenthood and the ACLU have initiated an amendment to change the Ohio Constitution that would legalize painful, late term abortions up to the point of birth, paid for with our tax-payer dollars. The proposed amendment would also eliminate parental rights if a minor were seeking an abortion or even a sex-change operation. Learn more at www.protectwomenohio.com or www.ohiolife.org.
Please join prayer that this amendment will be defeated this November so that women, babies, and parental rights will be upheld. Please also speak up with your vote in November to defeat this dangerous proposed amendment to our state constitution. Also be on the lookout for more information in the weeks to come.
In Christ,
Father Eric