20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family,
We have been without a business manager since JoAnn Rawski left at the end of March for a similar job at her home parish of St. Anthony in Temperance, Michigan. I’m very grateful for Connie Schwartz’s and Sue Veres’s (Finance Council Chair) assistance on the interview team with me. Their background, professionalism, and insights were very helpful. I’m also very grateful to Connie for coming out of retirement and helping us here in the office in the interim and also thank her now for her assistance in training our new hire – what a blessing! The hiring process took longer than expected. I really wanted God to lead us to someone who would not just be able to do the job but someone who would be a good fit and on board for the mission of our parish. I’m happy to announce that we have hired Wallace Friedel. Wallace will be a blessing as our new business manager. He is a member of Blessed Sacrament Parish and will begin with us here at Epiphany on Monday, August 15th. Please help us welcome and pray for Wallace (as well as our whole dedicated staff/team).
Our parish wide meeting (Facilities and Mission meeting) with the results of our facilities study and ministry survey will be held in the Cardinal Stritch gymnasium on Sunday, September 18th, from 2-4:30pm. Please plan to attend. Please continue to pray that God will lead us in a direction that will help us to be fruitful in our mission of manifesting His love to the East Side and beyond.
There are two special Masses this week. Monday, August 15th, is the solemnity (feast) of the Assumption of Mary. The Assumption is normally a Holy Day of obligation, but since it falls on Monday this year it is not obligatory. We will have Mass on Monday at our St. Stephen campus at 6pm to celebrate this beautiful Holy Day. Please plan to join us. Also on Tuesday (August 16th) at our St. Stephen campus we will celebrate the feast of St. Stephen of Hungary (on his actual feast day) with Mass at 6pm. Please plan to join us and ask St. Stephen’s intercession for our parish.
In Christ,
Father Eric