Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
Dear Epiphany Family,
Congratulations to a son of the parish (St. Thomas Aquinas), Fr. Earl Fernandes, on being named bishop-elect of the diocese of Columbus! Several people have already spoken of their pride in having gone to school with him or knowing his family. I was able to watch his introductory press conference for the diocese of Columbus and Fr. Earl spoke of growing up in East Toledo and at St. Thomas Aquinas, including the value of hard work he learned. His remarks echoed the resilience and determination that I have witnessed in our parish and East Toledo. Let us keep Bishop-elect Fernandes, his family, and the diocese of Columbus in our prayers.
Beginning on Saturday, April 9th and continuing Saturday, April 23rd, RCM architects will be interviewing parish ministry groups as part of further parishioner feedback for our facilities assessment process. These interviews follow the initial feedback generated by parish ministry surveys. Both the surveys and interviews will help give us a better picture of the needs and concerns of our ministries from which RCM architects will produce a master plan. This master plan will be considered in light of the physical assessment of our buildings, all of which will be presented and reported in a meeting later this spring open to the whole parish to give their feedback. Our whole process is an opportunity to draw us closer together as a parish to become stronger living stones built upon Jesus. Let us continue to pray for God’s blessing and guidance, especially using the prayer we have prayed at Mass on the front of the bulletin.
As we enter Holy Week I encourage you to join us for Sacred Triduum. Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil are such powerful liturgies, beautiful expressions of Jesus’ amazing love for us. Please consider joining us these three days to encounter Jesus together. I at least invite you to make room for extra silence and prayer these three days. Let us also welcome Jesus in those who will either be visiting or returning to our parish at Easter.
In Christ,
Father Eric
1 Peter 2:4-5
Come to him, a living stone, rejected by human beings but chosen and precious in the sight of God, and, like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.
Heavenly Father, you provide for all our needs and love us with infinite, merciful love. You never abandon us but are ever-present, giving us hope now and for the future. We thank and praise you for the heritage of the original East Toledo parishes and their witness to you.
We are your living stones built upon the Living Stone of Jesus.
Send your Holy Spirit upon us, our whole Epiphany family, and all of East Toledo,
that we may be guided and given wisdom to do your will in all things.
Inspire us to grow as disciples of Jesus, helping us to be true living stones,
building one another up and more closely united in the Living Stone of Jesus.
Help us be good stewards of all you have shared with us and honor our past.
Guide our discernment and give us courage to make decisions that will make our parish fruitful.
Help us, as living stones, to share the Living Stone of Jesus with all, building your Kingdom. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Jesus the Good Shepherd, have mercy on us
Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, pray for us
St. Louis, pray for us
St. Stephen of Hungary, pray for us
St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us