25th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family,
I am writing this short article on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. I am sure we all have our own vivid memories of that day. I had recently moved back home with my parents and had begun a new full-time job after graduate school. I first heard about the attacks in a cubicle from hearing a co-worker on the phone. Which then led me to the internet to find more information, which happened to be frozen. After work at home I watched the disturbing images we saw that day. The world seemed upside down, we were not sure what had happened, and there was so much uncertainty and so many questions. Yet that evening after seeing too much of the news I asked my mom to turn on EWTN. I knew we had to turn to our faith to find peace in the chaos. Jesus needed to be at the center.
Yet of course it should not take a tragic world event for us to come to this realization. Jesus should always be at the center of our lives, of all we are and do. He invites us to truly make Him Lord of every aspect of our lives. Together let’s walk alongside Jesus and bring Him into all we are and do so the world can know Him and His peace.
In Christ,
Father Eric