Dear Epiphany Family,
Happy Solemnity of Pentecost! The outpouring of the Holy Spirit is still available to us today. We are tem-ples of the Holy Spirit and when we invite the Spirit into every aspect of our lives we are consoled, guided, loved, given power, and more. Come, Holy Spirit! Come Holy Spirit, and renew our hearts and our parish! Come Holy Spirit, renew the face of the earth!
Please spread the word that the dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass will be lifted be-ginning June 5-6, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. While the obligation returns, a better way to view it is that we are so blessed to have the opportunity to weekly (and even more often if able during the week) unite our lives to Jesus’ sacrifice in the Eucharist, the very source and summit of our faith (there are many Catholics throughout the world who do not have access to weekly Mass)! The bishops of the state of Ohio came to this decision together at least in relation to the lifting of restrictions within our state. The bishops write, “As has always been the case, those who have a serious reason are exempt from attending Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2181). This includes those who are ill, have significant health risk factors or care for someone who is immuno-compromised or ill, as well as those who have significant fear or anxiety of contracting the coronavirus in a large group of persons.” My hope and prayer is that more and more of our parish family will return to Mass soon.
In conjunction with the obligation to attend Sunday Mass returning all restrictions will be lifted (masks will not be required, nor distancing, the sign of peace will return, holy water fonts will be filled, etc.). Please stay tuned for more details. It is likely that we will reserve some sections of each church for those who feel more comfortable continuing to distance. I am very excited to see your faces! Most of you who have been coming to Mass I have only seen from the eyes up. Our faces reveal so much about us and help us draw closer to one another. We are made in the image and likeness of God and our faces also help us reveal God to one another.
Please continue to pray for Fr. Melwin as he nears his transition to his new assignment as a pastor in July. Prayer is the best gift to give, but if you are interested in giving him an additional gift of some kind, money is always the best gift. Good people have given me many religious articles over the years, many of which have not been to my taste, however well-meaning and intended, and there are only so many things a priest can take and keep. He knows what he most needs. Let us thank and praise God for Fr. Melwin’s service here at Epiphany and again, continue to keep him in our prayers.
In Christ,
Father Eric
It has come to our attention that parishioners have been receiving text messages and also emails from our priests requesting gifts cards, for example I Tune Cards. Please disregard these messages because it is a common scam happening and it is not from our priests. Many staff members and parishioners have been targeted here at Epiphany and at other parishes. Fr. Eric would never make a request but if you ever have a question please just give us a call at the Parish office.