4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family,
I imagine you have noticed that people have begun to receive Covid vaccines recently. This has brought hope to many people and is a reason for us to give thanks for the ways people have used their God-given abilities to develop these vaccines so quickly. God has continued to care for us and provide in many ways, including these advancements, reminding us that the days of the pandemic are numbered. While multiple companies have worked on vaccines their processes and production are not all equal when it comes to moral criteria.
The Church at the diocesan, national, and Vatican levels have helped provide guidance. Please refer to the two pages in this bulletin for more details. It is morally acceptable to and encouraged to receive the now commonly available vaccines for the sake of one’s health, that of others, and the common good. Still, though, as Catholic concerned about the dignity of the human person we are obliged to advocate for the most ethically produced and tested vaccines. Bishop Thomas notes in his statement on Covid vaccinations:
Catholics who choose to receive a vaccine should give preference to vaccines which in their development and production are not associated with cell lines originally derived by morally tainted methods. Catholics and all persons of goodwill should continue to request pharmaceutical companies to produce vaccines without any connection to cell lines originally derived by morally tainted methods.
Again, please check out the two-page resource and its links in this bulletin for more detailed information and guidance. May God bring an end to the pandemic and bring us all to a greater respect for the dignity of all human life.
In Christ,
Father Eric