27th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family,
I hope we have all had priests in our lives who have really made an impact in helping us know and follow Jesus through their ministry and example. I was very blessed to grow up with faithful priests and especially during my time as a seminarian and now priest for the past 11 years I have witnessed so much generosity from the priests in our diocese. I am very grateful for how they have nourished my faith and encouraged me.
Priests who have gone astray and betrayed the trust of the people they have been called to serve by abuse and other sins have done much damage to our Church. While evil must always be rooted out and healing and renewal must take place in the Church, these unfaithful priests tend to overshadow and cast suspicions upon the large, large majority of priests who have served us well and inspired us to follow Jesus.
Please join me in supporting those priests who have served us so faithfully over the years through the diocesan priests’ retirement fund, the Perpetuate the Gift appeal. We praise and thank God for these spiritual fathers and servant leaders who have brought Jesus to us in so many ways. You can use envelopes found at our campuses or go to www.toledodiocese.org and click on Give and select Perpetuate the Gift. If you give online please make sure to note or select that you are giving as a member of Epiphany. Thank you for sharing your gifts with those who have been gifts to us. Please also join me in praying that more men would respond to God’s call to follow and serve Him as His priests.
In Christ,
Father Eric