20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family,
Someone shared this with me recently and it speaks so well to our times:
There comes a time in every life when change is unavoidable.
Advances in technology. Global epidemics. Age. Such changes force us to confront how we ourselves are changing. Looking into the metaphorical mirror is not easy, for we need to acknowledge our losses, to humbly name our contributions, to gather in the fruits of living and loving, to face transition as a necessary part of becoming who we were and are meant to be. All this takes courage, humility, and trust. As a result of this process, we might realize that we have to change course or, if on the right course, have to change speed, perhaps even pull back on the throttle.
In the spiritual life, seasons of change occur, too. Times of slowing down: of treasuring the moments of being rather than cramming them full with doing, of encountering God in change, amidst transitions, in silence. This is a time of practicing contemplation, of letting of outside expectations, of trying out new ways to pray. This is a time for seeing with new eyes. – [From A Prayer Book for Catholic Women: Traditional and Contemporary Prayers for Every Season of Life by Agnes M. Kovacs (The Word Among Us Press, 2018)]
I normally don’t like change, but often it has helped me grow. May God help us all grow closer to Him and increase our faith and hope in Him.
In Christ,
Father Eric