Ascension of the Lord & Mass Guidelines for Public Worship starting 5-25-20
My Dear Parishioners,
Public Masses at Epiphany of the Lord Parish will resume on Monday, May 25, 2020. We will keep our normal weekend Mass schedule. Daily Masses will be held at 8.30 am at St. Stephen on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and 6 pm on Wednesday evenings. Sunday Masses beginning May 30/31: 4 pm STA, 8 am SS, 9.45 am SH, 11.30 am STA. Priests will be available for private confessions before or after daily and vigil Masses. Adoration on Thursday will be canceled until further notice.
The following directives will apply for the wellbeing of our community:
- Bishop Thomas has dispensed all Catholics from the Sunday Obligation until further notice.
- Anyone who is sick, elderly or have existing pre-conditions, please refrain from coming to mass.
- Face masks covering the mouth and nose are required in the church except for children age 2 and under, anyone who has trouble breathing, or anyone who cannot easily remove the mask alone.
- There are to be no social gathering before or after Mass.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be available for use.
- You are requested to keep 6ft. distance from anyone who is not from your immediate household.
- Only use the elevator if absolutely required.
- The entrance /recessional processions, offertory procession, sign of peace, reception of the precious Blood are all suspended until further notice.
- During Holy Communion, ushers will form a single line. Bishop Thomas has strongly encouraged that communion be received from your hand. Communion cannot be received with gloves on.
- Hymnals have been removed from the pews. After Mass, ushers will dismiss each pew.
Be assured that I, Father Melwin, and the entire parish staff of Epiphany of the Lord Parish are praying for you and your intentions!
In Christ,
Father Gilbert Mascarenhas, SAC
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