2nd Sunday of Lent

In our readings this week we are called to “let go”; let go of what is safe and familiar to enter into a deeper relationship with God. Abraham left his homeland and put trust that God would not lead him astray. What do we have to let go of in our own lives? What false sense of securities do we hold on to? In the Gospel, God calls us to “listen to His Son”. The transfiguration of Jesus is a moment of promise for a future with God. It is a call to trust and to accept the invitation of Jesus to the Gospel life. 

Rite of Elect photo above

CONGRATULATIONS! On Saturday, Feb. 29, our parish celebrated the Rite of Sending at the 4 pm Mass so our Catechumens and Candidates could be sent before Bishop Thomas. Catechumens Shannon Anderson, Harry Anderson, Lindsay Newland, and Brileigh Garbers were accepted by Bishop Thomas on Sunday, March 1 into the Rite of the Elect. They will be baptized and fully initiated into the Church at the Easter Vigil. Candidates Josh Anderson, Sr., Josh Anderson, Jr., and Maiya Myler were accepted as candidates for Full Communion into the Catholic Church. Kataleena Flores was accepted as a candidate for Confirmation and First Holy Communion. 

Please keep these 8 individuals, their sponsors, and the RCIA core team (Kathy Fech, Olga Tucker, and Andrea Boyak) in your prayers during this Lenten season. 


Thanks to all those working hard to make our parish fish frys a success. It takes many individuals to cook, sell tickets, serve food, clean up, and more. Volunteers work throughout the week so we can have a festive, delicious, meatless meal on Friday evenings. If you haven’t yet been to a fish fry, please join us at our St. Thomas campus from 5-7 on Friday evenings. Don’t forget to invite your friends and family members! 

Please ensure you check the Lenten/Easter special event pages to keep up on schedule changes as well as unique events during this holy season! 

From the desk of Fr. Gilbert Mascarenhas, SAC 

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here