33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
My Dear Friends in Christ,
What a glorious weekend at Epiphany of the Lord Parish! Our campus has been busy this weekend with preparations for the Feather Party which takes place at St. Stephen on Sunday. I look forward to eating and celebrating with you! In advance, we offer much gratitude for the many staff members and volunteers who come together to put on this special event each November.
At first glance, today’s gospel seems negative in tone, but the reality is that Jesus is giving us a wonderful message of hope. We recognize that this world will pass away, yet we live in the hope of the world to come. Jesus tells us that by our perseverance we will secure our lives. As we reach the end of the Church’s liturgical year, we eagerly await the Season of Advent where the readings will begin to take on a message of anticipation.
Speaking of Advent, you will see several pages of Advent and Christmas materials in this week’s bulletin. I ask each of you to please go through and add all the events and Mass times to your personal calendar. With the season being such a busy time for traveling, cooking, shopping, parties, and more, it would be easy to lose sight of celebrating Christ. By marking these events now, you can put forth your best effort towards making your Advent and Christmas seasons prayerful and joyous.
Before we get to Advent, we have Thanksgiving, a holiday which was new to me when I moved to the United States and will be new to Fr. Melwin this year. The word “Eucharist” means “thanksgiving”. There is no better way to begin your family’s Thanksgiving celebration than by receiving our Lord in the Holy Eucharist. On Thursday, November 28, we will have Mass at 8:30 am at our St. Thomas Aquinas campus. If you are traveling, I urge you to find a Mass near you to attend. I also urge you to join us the evening prior for the Community Thanksgiving Eve Service which will be held Wednesday, November 27, 7 pm at Calvin United Church of Christ.
It is a joy and blessing to serve you as your pastor,
Fr. Gilbert Mascarenhas SAC
“When I hear that others are doing very great things for the glory of God,
I will arm myself with a holy envy and thank God.” – St. Vincent Pallotti