27th Sunday of Ordinary Time
My Dear Friends in Christ,
Faith, even just the size of a mustard seed, can go a long way. It allows Habakkuk to endure destruction and violence. Faith allows Paul to bear imprisonment and encourages Timothy to face his hardships. Faith allows the disciples to serve the Lord no matter what happens. Let us reflect on how our own faith allows us to overcome difficulties and pray for the grace to realize its strength.
We have many inspiring examples of faith to help us this month. October is a month when we honor the Blessed Virgin Mary whose faith never wavered. For this month, Fr. Melwin and I will lead the rosary starting 30 minutes before each weekend Mass. We ask that you come a little earlier and bring your rosary to pray for our Blessed Mother’s intercession.
October is also Respect Life month. Life in under attack from so many sides; abortion, capital punishment, and euthanasia. Discrimination, war, racism, objectification of women, and indifference to the poor and suffering are more subtle ways that human lives are cheapened in society today. Pray for the dignity and sanctity of all human life each day.
Cardinal Timothy Dolan is coming to Rosary Cathedral to celebrate our diocesan feast day Mass with Bishop Daniel Thomas on Monday, October 7 with the rosary at 6:30 followed by Mass at 7:00 pm. The intentions of the rosary will be to respect life. Honor Our Lady of the Rosary and join Fr. Melwin and me at the Cathedral on Monday evening.
On Wednesday, October 9 at 6:45 pm in the St. Stephen Church hall, everyone is invited to a parish review of the Birmingham Ethnic Festival. We will review this past festival and get creative with plans for next year.
October 15 is coming soon. The annual St. Anthony Society Day of Reflection has special plans for this year! We will spend the day together in prayer and socializing, along with our special guest speaker, Fr. Michael Geiger! Call the parish office to make your reservation!
Our Legacy of Faith Annual Fund begins this month of October and will continue through December. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will stir our hearts to joyful giving in support of our wonderful parish. To cut costs, we have included this 2019 Legacy of Faith brochure in our bulletin. Please use this form for your 2019 contributions.
I have also included a page on our parish rental properties. We are blessed to have received these complimentary ariel photos from our realtor. Please share if you know of anyone who may be interested in leasing one of our vacant properties and continue to pray that we will soon find tenants. Also, please continue to pray for me as I pray for you also.
It is my joy to serve you as your pastor!
Fr. Gilbert Mascarenhas SAC