23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
“Lay up your treasure in heaven, where thieves cannot break in. Be large-handed to God’s poor and to God’s work.”
– St. Vincent Pallotti
My dear friends in Christ,
This weekend, we get back to our school-year schedule after the summer break. Religious Education has begun, Server training is taking place, many committees are meeting, and most have returned from camping and vacations. This time of year is so beautiful with lush summer growth at its peak. We know that the beautiful colors of autumn are not far behind and Fr. Melwin and I savor the warmth of this time of year.
Worshiping our Lord through liturgical celebrations is the heart of the parish. God gives Himself to us in love. We receive this gift of God, not in a purely passive way, but engaging God with our whole self. The more self-giving we are in this exchange, the more completely we accept God’s gift to us.
On Tuesday, September 3rd, the morning Mass changed from Sacred Heart to Cardinal Stritch Catholic High School and Academy for the school year and the Mass time will be at 8:30 am. Due to schedule changes at the school, Masses will not be held every Tuesday. Please check our church bulletin each week under ‘Masses for the Week’ on the first page. We will not be alternating to Sacred Heart Campus on those days, instead we will have ‘No Mass’ listed. You will have opportunities to attend Masses at our local nursing homes on Tuesday twice a month. These will be listed in the Mass schedule with their location at Arbors/Willows in the cafeteria and at Genacross in the chapel.
Liturgy Committee met on September 4 to begin planning yearly activities. We need the help and talents of many people to undertake all the year’s celebrations. From planning to decorating, caring for flowers to hanging banners, proclaiming the Word as a lector to distributing communion to the homebound – there is a need for help from parishioners of all ages. Think about ways you could help and offer your service to your parish. To be more involved, call Shellee Murcko at the parish office.
In the Gospel this week, Jesus went to dine at the home of a leading Pharisee. Everyone was jockeying for position to be seated according to their importance. Jesus shared a parable about guests at a wedding banquet. One sat highly placed at the table and had to be moved down to make way for someone more important. Another sat at the bottom table and was moved up when the host saw where he was sitting. Jesus went on to observe that when one hosts a dinner, do not invite friends and relatives who will return the invitation, but invite “the poor, the crippled, the lame, and the blind. You will be blessed because they cannot repay you. You will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” This week be humble and meek as our Lord and do good that will be repaid in heaven.
It is my joy to serve you as your pastor,
Fr. Gilbert Mascarenhas, SAC