Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
My dear friends in Christ,
Last weekend was an eventful one for the parish, with the Senior Prom held on Saturday night. I want to thank Holly Cerveny and the Senior Prom Committee for all their hard work organizing and preparing for this wonderful event. The musicians were quite talented, the food was excellent, and decorations beautiful. Everyone who attended had a great time visiting with one another, dancing, eating, laughing, and listening to the music. Congratulations to the Prom King and Queen Mike and Judy Snyder, and the Prince and Princess Jack and Joyce Carpenter, and to the special event Luau Queen Ida Lucas and King Ron Zak.
We also had the Commissioning of the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion at all weekend Masses. Fr. Tony, Fr. Melwin, and I appreciate the ministry of the many lay people who so faithfully visit the sick, the aged, and homebound. Each time you bring communion, you bring our Lord Jesus to parishioners who might otherwise feel isolated from the body of Christ. We strengthen the bonds of our parish through your ministry. Extraordinary ministers who distribute at Mass are appreciated for their faithful service. Each week, dozens of ministers distribute the Eucharist in or from our parish. Thank you!
The scripture readings this weekend are God’s call and how challenging it can be to commit with all one’s heart to His call. Some accept but some cannot give all to follow the Lord. We are also called to be disciples. When Jesus says, “Follow me” how do we respond?
We have now come to our official farewell to Fr. Tony and welcome to Fr. Melwin. Fr. Tony will move on to his new assignment in Delphos, with Fr. Dennis Walsh. We thank you, Fr. Tony for your love and dedication to the people of Epiphany of the Lord parish and pray for a smooth transition at St. John the Evangelist.
Fr. Melwin has been learning his way to the nursing homes and hospitals. He is looking forward to taking on the new duties of his assignment. Please keep your priests and our parish in your prayers as we settle into new routines. Many parishioners and I are looking forward to celebrating with Fr. Tony and Fr. Melwin at the reception after the 10:30 Mass. I hope to see a large crowd there! Remember that next week, July 7, we will return to our usual Mass schedule.
Have you bought your Mega Moolah Mania tickets yet? This Friday, July 5 will be the first $250 drawing. The odds of winning are the greatest they will be all year, so stop by the office before Friday to get your tickets in the drawing. Sellers win $50, so the more tickets you sell, the more chances you have to be a winner.
May we keep looking ahead and follow the Lord where He leads.
Rev. Gilbert Mascarenhas SAC