Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Epiphany Family, Thank you to everyone who came to our Facilities and Mission meeting on January 29th. I hope it gave those who attended a broader context and story to our process. The Task Force felt it was important to gather more feedback from parishioners to help aid us in our discernment of a […]

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Epiphany Family, I want to again remind and invite everyone to our Facilities and Mission meeting in the Cardinal Stritch cafeteria this weekend – Sunday, January 29th from 2-4pm, doors open at 1:30 with light snacks and the meeting starts promptly at 2pm. More of the story of our process and experience as a […]

Mary, Mother of God

Dear Epiphany Family, Merry Christmas, Happy Feast of Mary, Mother of God, and Blessed and Happy and Blessed New Year to you and yours! Please plan to join us next Sunday for our parish feast day with Bishop Thomas, 10am, at Epiphany of the Lord St. Thomas campus, with reception to follow. Please note that […]


Dear Epiphany Family Merry and Blessed Christmas to you and yours! If you are visiting or returning home to our parish we are so blessed you are here! The celebration of our Savior’s birth always brings great joy. Jesus reveals Himself to our fallen, broken world to rescue us from our captivity to the devil […]

3rd Sunday of Advent

Dear Epiphany Family, I hope and pray that your Advent has not been too hectic or busy. I know there are often early Christmas gatherings and people can also be stressed with Christmas shopping and other Christmas preparations. It is so important for all of us to do whatever we can to slow down, take […]

All Saints, All Souls

Dear Epiphany Family, This weekend I would especially like to welcome those of you who have perhaps returned from other places or parishes to remember your loved one(s) who died over the past year. We continue to pray for the eternal rest of your loved one(s) and do so today through the most powerful prayer […]

Full Parish Report & World Mission Sunday

Dear Epiphany Family, This Sunday, October 23rd, is World Mission Sunday. This year’s theme is taken from Acts 1:8 – “You shall be my witnesses” (“You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends […]

Our Parish Summary: World Mission Sunday

This week in the bulletin is RCM proposed options, click here for link. Last week’s Letter from Fr. Eric: Dear Epiphany Family, Supplied in this bulletin is a summary of the first part of the presentation (this link) from our September 18th parish meeting regarding our facilities and mission. It is a lot to digest […]

Respect Life • Our Parish

Dear Epiphany Family, Thank you to the many who came to our Facilities and Mission meeting on September 18th. It should have made it easier to see the challenges we face with our many facilities. This is a very difficult process but we have to face the reality and come together as a parish family […]

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Epiphany Family, This weekend is our parish meeting with RCM architects regarding our facilities (Sunday, September 18th, 2-4:30pm at the Cardinal Stritch gymnasium-enter off of Coy Road). Our facilities assessment has gathered a lot of data from the physical assessment of our buildings and feedback from parish ministries which has led to multiple proposals […]

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here