Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Parish Family, This is the announcement I shared before the 10:30 Mass this past weekend at our Sacred Heart campus. Let us pray that God will bring us strength, unity, and healing. In the Fall of 2020 into early 2021 with pastoral and finance councils, as well as parish staff, we identified the need […]

Feast of Corpus Christi/the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Dear Epiphany Family, Happy Feast of Corpus Christi/the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ! What a miracle and gift we have of Christ’s Real Presence with us in the Eucharist! We are called to bring and offer our lives – our joys, works, sufferings – in the celebration of the Mass, uniting them to […]

Ascension of the Lord
Dear Epiphany Family, Thank you so much for your prayers for my procedure. It went well and my recovery has gone well but my complete healing will still take some time so please continue to pray for me. I still have to slow down for a few weeks even while I am back in the […]

4th Sunday of Easter
Dear Epiphany Family, By the time you read this I will have had a minor procedure this past Tuesday. This procedure requires me to take it easy for a couple of weeks so I am staying with my parents over this time and will also still be gone next weekend. Please pray for my recovery. […]

The Resurrection of the Lord
Dear Epiphany Family, Happy and Blessed Easter! “[I]f Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain; you are still in your sins” (1 Corinthians 15:17). St. Paul reminds us that our faith hinges on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. We have been freed and set free from sin and death by […]

Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion
Dear Epiphany Family, Holy Week is here! The Sacred Triduum – Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil are such powerful and beautiful liturgies. In an intimate way we enter into the most important events of Jesus’ life on earth, the Paschal Mystery – his suffering, passion, death, and resurrection. These three liturgies in reality […]

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family, Thank you to everyone who came to our Facilities and Mission meeting on January 29th. I hope it gave those who attended a broader context and story to our process. The Task Force felt it was important to gather more feedback from parishioners to help aid us in our discernment of a […]

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family, I want to again remind and invite everyone to our Facilities and Mission meeting in the Cardinal Stritch cafeteria this weekend – Sunday, January 29th from 2-4pm, doors open at 1:30 with light snacks and the meeting starts promptly at 2pm. More of the story of our process and experience as a […]

Mary, Mother of God
Dear Epiphany Family, Merry Christmas, Happy Feast of Mary, Mother of God, and Blessed and Happy and Blessed New Year to you and yours! Please plan to join us next Sunday for our parish feast day with Bishop Thomas, 10am, at Epiphany of the Lord St. Thomas campus, with reception to follow. Please note that […]

Dear Epiphany Family Merry and Blessed Christmas to you and yours! If you are visiting or returning home to our parish we are so blessed you are here! The celebration of our Savior’s birth always brings great joy. Jesus reveals Himself to our fallen, broken world to rescue us from our captivity to the devil […]