The Ascension of the Lord 

Dear Epiphany Family,  Happy Mother’s Day! Thanks be to God for all mothers, (biological/physical, adoptive, or spiritual)! “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother” – St. Therese of Lisieux. God shares his great love for us through the hearts of mothers in beautiful ways. Let’s remember to thank […]


Happy Easter! He is risen!  It is a joy and blessing to have you with us as we celebrate Jesus’ Christ’s victory over sin, death, and the devil, through his death and resurrection. St. Paul writes in his first letter to the Corinthians that “if Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain” (1 […]

Palm Sunday

Dear Epiphany Parish Family,  You may have noticed a new “Parish Outreach” envelope in your envelope packet (there are four envelopes in your packet, spaced out quarterly, but at any time you can give to our Parish Outreach fund by designating your gift). You might be surprised to learn how many people in need call […]

Parish Stewardship and Lent Reconciliation

Dear Epiphany Family,  I hope you have had some time to read, reflect, and pray with the parish stewardship directory about how God is calling you to share your gifts with our parish and beyond. There are many ways to be involved and help breathe new life into our ministries, parish, and community. It may […]

Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord

Dear Epiphany Parish Family, Blessed Feast Day of the Epiphany of the Lord! The Epiphany is the revelation ormanifestation of “Jesus as Messiah of Israel, Son God and Savior of theworld’ (CCC 528). It celebrates not only the adoration of Jesus by the wise men,but also his baptism in the Jordan and the wedding feast […]

Blessed & Merry Christmas to you and yours! 

If you are visiting or returning home to our parish we are so blessed you are here!  God becomes one of us in the person of Jesus, Christ our Savior is born, and the world is never the same. How unfathomable it would be to someone unfamiliar with Christianity for the Almighty and Eternal God […]

Third Sunday of Advent 

Dear Parish Family,  It is hard to believe that we are only about a week away from Christmas! While things are busy and hectic for many during this time of preparation, please do not forget to take the time to slow down, quiet your hearts, and let the Lord come in and bring you peace.  […]

Join Us on These January Dates

Dear Parish Family,  By the time you read this, I will be in Italy on pilgrimage with a group from multiple places in our diocese, including four parishioners. Please know that I am carrying you with me in my prayers as we walk in the footsteps of saints – please pray for us.  After consultation […]

Notice of Decree documents from the Bishop

October 14, 2023Dear Parish Family, Our facilities process has weighed heavily on many hearts, including mine, and this is a difficult announcement to make. I pray that we will join together as the living stones of Epiphany of the Lord, fixed on the Living Stone of Jesus, relying on the love and mercy of His […]

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Parish Family, I want to give an update on the request/petition to Bishop Thomas to relegate Sacred Heart Church (which again would mean Epiphany of the Lord would no longer use the Sacred Heart church building for divine worship). I have submitted the paperwork of the petition to diocesan personnel for their review and […]

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