32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

 My Dear Friends in Christ,  Earlier this month we celebrated All Saints Day, a day dedicated to the Saints of the Church, and All Souls Day, a day set aside to commemorate the faithful departed who are awaiting their eternal reward. This is a good time to reflect on how our prayers help guide souls […]

31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

 My Dear Friends in Christ,  As we celebrate the Vocation Awareness Week, I would ask you to continue to pray for the many young people in our parishes. While our young people face many challenges in responding to God’s call, there are some signs of hope for the future of the Church. There is an […]

30th Sunday of Ordinary Time

My Dear Friends in Christ, We continue with the same theme as last week: persistence in prayer. In today’s parable, Jesus puts two persons side by side: the Pharisee who went to the temple to inform God about his good deeds and the tax collector who went to the temple to pray for God’s mercy.  […]

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

 My Dear Friends in Christ,  Persistence in prayer is the message of our Gospel this week. Have you ever been around a small child when they are determined to get something they really want? They ask, get the wrong answer, they ask again and still not the answer they are hoping for. They continue in […]

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

My Dear Friends in Christ,  What a busy and exciting time at our parish! I enjoyed the photos and videos of Fr. Melwin’s first Pet Blessing experience.  On Sunday, we celebrated the Rite of Acceptance at the 11:30 am Mass for Brileigh Garbers, Harry Anderson, Shannon Anderson, and Lindsey Newland are the unbaptized in our […]

27th Sunday of Ordinary Time

 My Dear Friends in Christ,  Faith, even just the size of a mustard seed, can go a long way. It allows Habakkuk to endure destruction and violence. Faith allows Paul to bear imprisonment and encourages Timothy to face his hardships. Faith allows the disciples to serve the Lord no matter what happens. Let us reflect […]

26th Sunday of Ordinary Time

 Dear Friends in Christ,  As summer gives way to autumn, each warm day is more precious. The trees are beginning to turn as the night air is crisper. With the change of seasons, the Saturday 4:00 pm Mass will move to the St. Stephen campus beginning next Saturday, October 5.  This past weekend we celebrated […]

25th Sunday of Ordinary Time

 “Put yourself into God’s hands… everything will go well.” –St. Vincent Pallotti MyDear Friends in Christ, As summer turns to autumn we are enjoying the beautiful weather, even as the air becomes a little chilly in the evenings. The sunsets have been most beautiful this past week. Last weekend, we celebrated the wedding of Samuel […]

24th Sunday of Ordinary Time

“You are not beyond the reach of God’s infinite mercy.” – St. Vincent Pallotti  My dear friends in Christ,  Now that Labor Day has passed and schools are in session, we are all getting into a new routine. Committees are now meeting regularly and plans are underway for special celebrations.  In Exodus, the Lord tells […]

23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

 “Lay up your treasure in heaven, where thieves cannot break in. Be large-handed to God’s poor and to God’s work.”  – St. Vincent Pallotti   My dear friends in Christ,  This weekend, we get back to our school-year schedule after the summer break. Religious Education has begun, Server training is taking place, many committees are meeting, […]

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