3rd Sunday of Lent
This weekend, we hear the gospel reading of the Woman at the Well. This reading speaks of a thirst for life… a thirst for truth… a thirst to know Christ. Jesus transformed the Samaritan woman at the well because he showed her how to quench her thirst. He knew what she needed. She needed living […]

2nd Sunday of Lent
In our readings this week we are called to “let go”; let go of what is safe and familiar to enter into a deeper relationship with God. Abraham left his homeland and put trust that God would not lead him astray. What do we have to let go of in our own lives? What false […]

Epiphany of the Lord
My Dear Friends in Christ, HAPPY PARISH FEAST DAY! It has been six and a half years (July 1, 2013) since the Catholics on the east side of Toledo have come together as one parish. I am privileged to have had a part in Epiphany of the Lord Parish since my days as an associate […]

Feast of the Holy Family
My Dear Friends in Christ, What wonderful celebrations we had at our parish to share in the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ! Our churches were beautifully decorated and I would like to thank everyone who gave of their time to prepare everything. Our liturgy committee and parish staff are attentive to the fine details […]

4th Sunday of Advent
My Dear Friends in Christ, Last weekend, we had a joyous celebration on our St. Thomas Aquinas campus! Though we were celebrating the 3rd Sunday of Advent, Fr. Charles Ritter joined us for a bilingual Mass which also honored the Virgin of Guadalupe. The El Corazon de Mexico dance group provided beautiful, ethnic dances which […]

3rd Sunday of Advent
My Dear Friends in Christ, We are now entering the third week of Advent, the week of joy. This week we will light the pink candle on our Advent wreath. How are your preparations going? I hope you are taking advantage of the Advent commitment sheets in the bulletin and placing them in the Advent […]

2nd Sunday of Advent
My Dear Friends in Christ, How is your Advent going? We are officially beginning the second week. Are you being challenged by the busyness of the holiday season: shopping, Christmas cards, parties, decorating and all the extras that seem to take so much of our time and energy? Is all the commercialism pressuring you? Sometimes […]

1st Sunday of Advent
My Dear Friends in Christ, I hope and pray that many of you were able to spend some quiet (it probably wasn’t that quiet) time with your family and loved ones over the Thanksgiving holiday. What a blessing to sit around sharing memories of the past and looking with great joy to the future! Looking […]

Christ the King
My Dear Friends in Christ, This weekend we celebrate the Feast of OurLord Jesus Christ, King of the Universewhich is also the last Sunday before we begin the season of Advent. When we think of a king, we often think of crowns, royal vestments, and a palace. We think of someone who has servants— not […]

33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
My Dear Friends in Christ, What a glorious weekend at Epiphany of the Lord Parish! Our campus has been busy this weekend with preparations for the Feather Party which takes place at St. Stephen on Sunday. I look forward to eating and celebrating with you! In advance, we offer much gratitude for the many staff […]