Father’s Day Blessing

Fr. Gilbert, Fr. Melwin, Deacon Jose, Deacon Leon, and the Epiphany of the Lord Parish Staff extend a Happy Father’s Day to all fathers, grandfathers, and godfathers.  As we celebrate Father’s Day, we all are called to honor our fathers. If your father is no longer living, we extend our loving prayers and sympathy to […]

Ascension of the Lord & Mass Guidelines for Public Worship starting 5-25-20

My Dear Parishioners,  Public Masses at Epiphany of the Lord Parish will resume on Monday, May 25, 2020. We will keep our normal weekend Mass schedule. Daily Masses will be held at 8.30 am at St. Stephen on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays and 6 pm on Wednesday evenings. Sunday Masses beginning May 30/31: 4 pm STA, 8 am SS, […]

Important Parish Notice from Fr. Gilbert Mascarenhas, SAC

The parish clergy and staff will be meeting during the coming days to determine the best practices for our parish as we prepare for the return to public Masses on Monday, May 25. While the Diocese has provided guidelines, each parish has been asked to determine how to best implement health and safety practices to […]

A Mother’s Day Message

from Fr. Gilbert Mascarenhas, SAC– Pastor  Today is Mother’s Day, a day we all are called to honor our moms. And even if your mother is no longer living, you can honor her memory. For the care and love which our mothers have given us is beyond price. Of course, our earthly parents are not […]

4th Sunday of Easter – Live Stream Sunday Masses start May 3

 My Dear Friends in Christ,  As many of you now know, the Catholic Bishops of Ohio have extended the temporary suspension of all publicly celebrated Masses and liturgies ending on May 29, with the hope of publicly celebrating together the Solemnity of Pentecost on the weekend of May 30/31. Like many of you, Father Melwin […]

3rd Sunday of Easter & New Pastor Appointment

My dearest brothers and sisters in Christ,  It is with great joy that I am pleased to announce that the Most Reverend Bishop Thomas has appointed Fr. Eric Mueller as the next pastor to Epiphany of the Lord Parish beginning July 1, 2020.  Fr. Eric, of Landeck, Ohio, which is five miles southwest of Delphos, […]

Divine Mercy Sunday

My Dear Friends in Christ,  Today’s first reading gives us a wonderful opportunity to reflect on our Christian communal life. Are we checking in with friends and family? Are we dropping off food or supplies on door steps like the early Christians who would “divide them among all according to each one’s need”? Are we […]

Easter Sunday

My Dear Friends in Christ,  Happy Easter! The Lord is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia! Alleluia!  Today is a day of triumph and resurrected life. As Catholics, we are blessed that Easter is not just one day, but a season that lasts for 50 days. It is not just a beautiful historical event in […]

Palm Sunday & Holy Week

My Dear Friends in Christ,  Since the suspension of all public Masses, Father Melwin and I have been faithfully celebrating Mass daily for all your intentions. As many of you know, the observance of Holy Week, a sacred time in our liturgical calendar, is quickly upon us. While Palm Sunday and the Sacred Paschal Triduum […]

New Assignment

My dearest brothers and sisters in Christ,  It is with most sincere apologies that I must inform you of an upcoming decision affecting our parish with use of such an impersonal means of communication. Our current circumstances call for drastic measures and I am disheartened to be unable to deliver this news in person. It […]

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here