24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family, Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, All things are passing away: God never changes. Patience obtains all things Whoever has God lacks nothing; God alone suffices. – St. Teresa of Avila We have all experienced many changes during the time of the pandemic, but God remains with and close […]

23rd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family, When Pope Francis was elected as our chief shepherd and pastor of the universal Church in March of 2013, one of the first things he did was ask the people to pray for him, “I ask that you would pray to the Lord to bless me”. I now ask all of you […]

22nd Sunday of Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family, This past Tuesday was a very difficult day to say the least (August 18th) for so many in our diocese. The shocking and horrific news of abuse perpetrated by one of the priests in the diocese is devastating. It has been very painful for me personally as I served one year with […]

21st Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family, What a joy it was to celebrate First Communion with three of our children today! What an amazing gift to witness them encounter Jesus and His love in such a profound way. In my homily I shared that every time we receive Jesus in Holy Communion, He says to us in a […]

20th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family, Someone shared this with me recently and it speaks so well to our times: There comes a time in every life when change is unavoidable. Advances in technology. Global epidemics. Age. Such changes force us to confront how we ourselves are changing. Looking into the metaphorical mirror is not easy, for we need […]

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family, I had a very restful and relaxing vacation with my family in the Smoky Mountains. Even though it is never easy to return from vacation, I am glad to be back to be with my new family here. I do wish it were easier to greet, meet, and get to know all […]

Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family, Thank you for your kindness and the welcome I have received! Even before I came there were parishioners who friended me and welcomed me via Facebook. It is a tougher time to be connected to one another, yet we can remain united in prayer while waiting patiently and trustingly until we can […]

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family, Praised be Jesus Christ! Thank you for your warm welcome on my first weekend! It was great to see many of you at Masses. I felt like I really began after celebrating the weekend Masses. Sunday Mass has always been my favorite part of priesthood, when we come together as a family […]

From Our New Pastor
Dear Epiphany Family, Praised be Jesus Christ! In the midst of the challenges we face we can still praise Jesus because He is truly Lord of all; He is in control and has defeated hatred, sin, division, fear, anxiety, and death through the victory of His passion, death, and resurrection. He is our life, He […]

Fr. Gilbert’s Farewell
My Dear Friends in Christ, In life, I believe that God speaks to us through different events, people, and situations. Six years ago, when I was asked to minister in the Diocese of Toledo, God spoke to me through my religious superior. While serving in the United States of America, God spoke to me through […]