2nd Sunday of Advent

Dear Epiphany Family,  Next Saturday, December 12th, our 4pm Saturday vigil Mass will move from our St. Stephen campus to our Sacred Heart campus to better accommodate our celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe. While we will be celebrating the third Sunday of Advent, we will still give thanks for our Lady’s special appearance in […]

Happy Thanksgiving • 1st Sunday of Advent

Dear Epiphany Family,To put it mildly it has been a crazy year. Yet with the Thanksgiving holiday weekend upon us we can turn our minds and hearts back to the One who has given us everything and still continues to provide for us. God has blessed us in so many ways but it is usually […]

Christ the King

Dear Epiphany Family,  On this Sunday, the last of the liturgical/Church year, we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. In the crazy times we live in it helps us to refocus our minds, hearts, and the whole of our lives on Jesus as our king. Pope Pius XI instituted the feast in 1925 helping […]

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Epiphany Family,  We are halfway through the month of November which is dedicated to the Holy Souls in purgatory. The weekend of October 31st-November 1st (the Feast of All Saints) we remembered in prayer the deceased of our parish over the past year. We give thanks to God for how they have blessed us […]

32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Epiphany Family,  I write just two days before the election. By the time you are reading this presumably we will know its results. We have all unfortunately seen the great contention, division, and polarization of this election season. The Church has urged us to form our consciences according to her teachings, which we hold […]

The Solemnity of All Saints

Dear Epiphany Family,  Just before Jesus ascended into heaven he gave the apostles this mission, “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20). This is the […]

29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Dear Epiphany Family,  This Sunday is World Mission Sunday. We are once again invited to prayerfully and financially support the Church’s mission of spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ throughout the world through the Society of the Propaga-tion of the faith. We might often think of missionary work in other countries but the blessing […]

28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Dear Epiphany Family,  As we near the election I hope you have been paying close attention to the “Conscience and the Catholic Voter” pages which have been appearing and will be appearing the next several weeks. These outlines from the diocese aid us in better forming our consciences according to the teachings of Christ given […]

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Epiphany Family,  I hope we have all had priests in our lives who have really made an impact in helping us know and follow Jesus through their ministry and example. I was very blessed to grow up with faithful priests and especially during my time as a seminarian and now priest for the past […]

25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Dear Epiphany family,  I pray for and look forward to the day when everyone will feel safe returning to Mass. It has been challenging for me to come to Epiphany in a time like this when it has been difficult to get to know you. My favorite part of being a priest is gathering with […]

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here