Third Sunday of Lent & Year of St. Joseph
Dear Epiphany Family, If you had not heard, on just this past Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (December 8, 2020), Pope Francis announced a Year of St. Joseph in honor of the 150th anniversary of the saint’s proclamation as patron of the Universal Church. The Pope established a Year of St. Joseph so that “every […]

2nd Sunday of Lent
Dear Epiphany Family, This time of the year new priestly assignments begin to take shape for July. I was called last year by Bishop Thomas mid-March about coming to Epiphany. Assigning priests has become more challenging in recent years with numbers of priests going on senior status (retiring from an active ministry assignment/responsibility) outnumbering new […]

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family, It is hard to believe that we are almost into Lent (Ash Wednesday is this Wednesday, February 17th)! Lent is always a time to turn back our hearts more fully to our Lord Jesus Christ, allowing Him more room to change and transform us, as well as remembering the new life we […]

4th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family, I imagine you have noticed that people have begun to receive Covid vaccines recently. This has brought hope to many people and is a reason for us to give thanks for the ways people have used their God-given abilities to develop these vaccines so quickly. God has continued to care for us […]

3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time: Word of God
Dear Epiphany Family, Today is the Sunday of the Word of God. Pope Francis began this special Sunday last year on the Third Sunday of Ordinary Time to highlight the importance of the Sacred Scriptures in our lives, the Church, and the world. There are many words and so much noise that fills our lives […]

2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Family, Let us pray in a special way for our country after a contentious election, the disturbing events of January 6th, and the inauguration of a new president to come on January 20th. We place our trust in Jesus and His Kingdom but we also pray that our nation’s government and citizens work […]

Baptism of the Lord
Dear Epiphany Family, Do you know the date of your baptism? A few years ago Pope Francis encouraged us to remember and celebrate the anniversaries of our baptisms. Baptism is the day of our rebirth and our new life in Christ, becoming members of His Body and temples of the Holy Spirit. This is our […]

Epiphany of the Lord
Dear Epiphany Family, Happy and Blessed New Year! We have all been eager to put 2020 behind us. What a blessing it is to celebrate our parish feast day, The Epiphany of Our Lord, to start the new year! While our parish was formed from the beautiful traditions and heritage of the previous parishes of […]

Merry Christmas
Dear Epiphany Family, Merry Christmas!!! While we have all had such a challenging year, yet the astounding, awesome, and unthinkable feast of Christmas is here. God the Son takes on human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ. The Word is not only made flesh (the incarnation) and enters into our world, but that first […]

“Gaudete” Sunday – 3rd Sunday of Advent
Dear Epiphany Family, This “Gaudete” Sunday invites us to rejoice – “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say rejoice. Indeed the Lord is near” (Philippians 4:4-5). It has not been as easy to rejoice in a year of challenges but the One who makes all things new is ever nearer, always entering into the […]