Monday, September 9th, Please come and join us and discover how the Holy Spirit is working in our parish and your life. 

Pope Benedict and Pope Francis called for a Eucharistic Revival in the Catholic Church. 

Come and join us to discover and deepen your relationship with the Holy Spirit.
THE WILD GOOSE is divided into 14 segment videos; 25 to 35 minutes long. 

Next episode will begin on Monday, September 9th from 6:30 to 8pm.
We will have a short group discussion after the video.
If you have any questions please contact Deacon Leon 419-206-2991 or send him an email. 

Episode 1: God’s Love Poured Out– July 29th
Episode 2: Breath of God– August 19th
Episode 3: Baptism in the Holy Spirit and Fire—September 9th
Episode 4: The Spirit and Our Lady– September 16th
Episode 5: Gifts of the Holy Spirit– September 24th
Episode 6: The Spirit and the Eucharist– September 30th
Episode 7: The Spirit of Adoption- October 7th
Episode 8: The Spirit and the Sacraments– October 14th
Episode 9: The Fruits of the Holy Spirit—October 21st
Episode 10: The Spirit and the Desert– October 28th
Episode 11: The Spirit Convicts– November 4th
Episode 12: The Spirit’s Freedom– November 11th
Episode 13: The Spirit Witness– November 18th
Episode 14: The Spirit Remembers– November 25th or December 2nd

To view the live stream Mass on Facebook - Saturday Vigil at 4:00 pm, click here