Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear Epiphany Parish Family,
I have been blessed to be your pastor over these four last years and walk with you as we have strived to walk with Jesus together. We have been through a lot together. It was difficult for me to get to know you arriving during the pandemic, especially with the reduced number of parish events during my time as your shepherd as a result. I also of course worked with parish leadership and consulted with the parish at large to make a very tough decision (recommendation to the bishop) regarding our facilities/church buildings with the relegation of Sacred Heart. I know you have all been through a lot here on the East Side, with all of the different clustering of parishes in the past, closings of some parishes and the merger into Epiphany. Your resilience and faithfulness are inspiring to me. God does not abandon us and promises to provide all we need, our “daily bread” as we pray in the “Our Father”. At times we have a greater share in the cross but in the hope that God’s glory and a resurrection follows due to our trust in His faithfulness.
Thank you for supporting, loving, praying for me, and putting up with my weaknesses and shortcomings. If I have hurt you in any way, I ask for your forgiveness. I have sought the best for you all but sometimes I have fallen short. I have been blessed by your faithfulness, generosity, and dedication to Jesus and His Church here on the East Side. Thank you for all you are and all you do to follow Jesus and help build up the kingdom. I will continue to keep you all in prayer and humbly ask your continued prayers, especially with my transition to St. Francis Xavier in Willard and St. Bernard in New Washington. Please know you are always welcome to come visit. And may God bless and keep you all, draw you closer to Jesus’ Sacred Heart, and lead you always on the path to eternal life.
I was able to be on a Zoom call with the new Epiphany priests recently. Fr. Mike Dandurand remarked that the Pallottines are sending Epiphany two of their best. The parish will be blessed by both Fr. John Peter (pastor) and Fr. Clement (parochial vicar). Fr. John Peter will also serve as part-time minister to priests and Fr. Clement will also have part-time ministry with both Mercy St. Charles and the Mercy Perrysburg Hospitals. The diocese is still helping with the visa process and unfortunately they will not be here at the beginning of July. Yet there will be a priest coming to be announced that will assist with sacramental ministry and pastoral care in the meantime. Let’s all pray for Fr. John Peter, Fr. Clement, and the priest who will serve Epiphany during this time of transition.
In Christ,
Father Eric