The Ascension of the Lord
Dear Epiphany Family,
Happy Mother’s Day! Thanks be to God for all mothers, (biological/physical, adoptive, or spiritual)! “The loveliest masterpiece of the heart of God is the heart of a mother” – St. Therese of Lisieux. God shares his great love for us through the hearts of mothers in beautiful ways. Let’s remember to thank God for and pray for all mothers, living and deceased. Let us also pray for them through the intercession of our Blessed Mother during this month of May.
Since I had only verbally announced the new priests coming to Epiphany, I would like to share a little bit more here:
Fr. John Peter Lazaar, SAC (Pallottines), from the Providence of Our Lady of Good Health Province, India, will be the new pastor of Epiphany effective the July 1st. Fr. John Peter will also serve as part-time Minister to Priests (offering spiritual direction, support, etc. to priests within the diocese), also effective July 1st. Fr. John Peter was ordained in 1989 and has a doctorate in Dogmatic Theology. He has worked in minor and major seminaries as Rector (head of the seminary). Fr. John Peter will also be establishing a Pallottine Community House at the St. Stephen rectory.
Fr. Shaya Anand Clement, SAC, is also from Our Lady of Good Health Province, India, is appointed as Parochial Vicar (Associate Pastor) of Epiphany, and other part-time diocesan ministry (to be determined) beginning July 1st. Fr. Anand will also assist in establishing the Pallottine Community House. Fr. Anand has a masters degree in Philosophy and also has seminary rector and parish experience.
I am sure they are looking forward to meeting and being with you all, in striving to draw closer to Jesus and share him with others. Through their seminary experience they have spent a lot of time helping form shepherds after the heart of the Good Shepherd, so Epiphany will be shepherded by two priests who have reflected a lot on what it means to be a good shepherd after the heart of Jesus. Let us pray for them and one another in the transition to come. Jesus the Good Shepherd will care for us all.
In Christ,
Father Eric