Palm Sunday
Dear Epiphany Parish Family,
You may have noticed a new “Parish Outreach” envelope in your envelope packet (there are four envelopes in your packet, spaced out quarterly, but at any time you can give to our Parish Outreach fund by designating your gift). You might be surprised to learn how many people in need call our parish office seeking various kinds of material assistance. While we do have the wonderful blessings of Helping Hands and the Saint Vincent de Paul Society and its Birmingham Food Pantry here on the East Side, their services cannot possibly meet every need that comes our way through Jesus reaching out to us in those in need. Holly has spent large amounts of time fielding calls, connecting them to resources, and more importantly compassionately listening to those who have reached out to us and providing assistance from the parish when appropriate. We have had a parish outreach fund for quite a while, largely funded through the Thanksgiving collection and donations others have made, yet with needs and requests at a high level, we realized we needed to be better equipped to respond as the face of Christ to our brothers and sisters in need here in East Toledo. We are blessed to share that Abigail Cashin joined our Parish Pastoral Staff as Coordinator of Outreach and Mission. Abigail comes to us having experience working at Walbridge St. Jerome for 2+ years in a similar capacity. She not only assisted those in need but also helped in many capacities and areas in their parish office (which is typical for those who work in parishes). She brings to us deep faith, compassion, and a willingness to help and serve in many ways, in particular helping to lighten the heavy load of both Holly and Wallace. Please welcome Abigail, pray for our parish, our mission, and outreach efforts, and get to know her better by reading below.
“Hello! My name is Abigail Cashin. I was born and raised here in NW Ohio, and have remained local my entire life. I started out in Walbridge Elementary and Lake Local Schools before homeschooling a majority of my years. I’m #4 of 9 children, with a mailman father and stay-at-home mother. I joined the Catholic Church at age 14, after going through RCIA, and took on the patrons Saints. Matilda and Cecilia. I’ve volunteered at fish fries, the Polish fest, Food for Thought in Toledo, Threads of Faith, Hope, and Love, and other ministries local to the area. I’ve also taught 2nd grade First Communion classes, RCIA, and have been in choir here at Epiphany. I worked at T.J. Maxx in Rossford and Saint Jerome Catholic Church before taking the opportunity to move here to be Coordinator of Outreach and Mission. It is my pleasure to be surrounded by such a lovely and friendly parish, and I look forward to being able to meet you all!”
Thank you for your prayers and compassion for Jesus in the disguise of those in need.
In Christ,
Father Eric